Friday, March 7, 2008


I woke up at about 3:00 this morning on my own. Normally I would have
gone back to sleep, but then I looked at the clock, and realized what
day it is.

It's Friday. I have a mock trial competition tomorrow.
Am I really as ready as I could be? Did I work hard enough? I realized
I didn't know the answer to that question. I hope to be able to work on
it this morning a bit.

I suppose I won't really know until tomorrow. Our teacher seems to have confidence in us, so that at least is reassuring.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I realized that all of the poems I have posted so far have had a common theme. So I decided to post this one, which follows that theme. Next week I will post something different, but for now here is another poem. If you scroll down you can listen to all of my poems in one playlist. Or you can click on the link on the left.

Edit: The poem that was originally here is an older version that is not as good. The newer version can be found here


There is a link to this post on the left. This is a playlist of all my poems I have recorded thus far. I will make new posts for each new posting of a poem, but will update this playlist so all my poetry can be accessed on a single page. Some of the poems on this list may have objectionable content and language. Be warned.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I hate money. I like the things that money gets you, I just don't like money. The endlessly complicated systems of money exchange are enough to make one's head spin. We should just go back to a bartering system

Sunday, March 2, 2008


The sticky remains of a cheap McDonalds sundae sit in my lap. Spanish crooners vibrate in my ears because that's the only station that comes in. I try to ignore the pain in my sunburnt face, but it is impossible to ignore my scarlet complexion staring back at me in the rearview mirror. My mouth is slightly agape, and my eyes are barely open. I wonder how long it would take anyone to notice if I died. I wonder if I would notice if I died. Then I see my chest rising and falling in synchronisity with the radio's static. Oh well, I guess I'm not dead.

Images of dizzying heights, terrifying beauty, and rolling, tumbling, hardcore wipeouts float in and out of my head. I can't tell if I'm remembering these things, or dreaming them. I consider falling asleep, but then I realize that if I'm already asleep, going to sleep might wake me up.

And so I sit, trying to ignore the pain, but failing; trying to understand the Spanish lyrics, but failing; and trying to fall asleep, but failing.

Friday, February 29, 2008


At about midnight I woke up with a Hannah Montana song in my head, after dreaming about pirates with talking shoulders, not talking parrots on their shoulders, but talking shoulders. Then a little before 4 am, I woke up with a Simple Plan song, I haven't heard for years, in my head, after a rather unnerving dream in which I get drafted.

I don't know what they put in that skating rink pizza, but whatever it is, I want more

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


As you may have guessed from my last post, my computer has been acting up. Or more accurately, not acting at all. When I press the power button it does nothing. I'm hoping its the power supply, because if its the motherboard, then I might as well get a new computer. Anyway, in honor if this computer woe, I am posting a poem. I think that I will be posting poems every Wednesday, from now until I decide to change things. So then, without further adieu, I give you a poem.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Monday, February 25, 2008


A little over two weeks ago I posted about my closest friend and foe, the brick. This four inch high beast, I am ashamed to admit, has made no progress, in the weeks since I mentioned it. That same day, I got my Writer's Market book, and the next week was spent combing through that. Then the week after, I mostly wasted away, on the internet. Now here I am, with a much more pressing deadline. But then again, that is what National Novel Writing Month has always been about deadlines.

The looming deadline helped me get 50,000 words into my novel. Surely a looming deadline will help me get it edited. I need to do some math. *runs off to get calendar and calculator*

Wow. In order to get this done, I need to do a page in about five minutes and 27 seconds. Then do that for two hours every day. Minus a few days for when I'm out of town, and you have that breakneck speed. But then again 50,000 words in 30 days is a breakneck speed. Now I just need to find a timer, clear my desk, and get editing. Onward!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


SPY Girl was kind enough to review my HP erotic poem in her blog. Though I am a bit disturbed by this statement:
"I, having been exposed to some HP sex myself,"
Who knew dear old Harry was such a player?

Anyway, if you are looking for my HP erotica poem, scroll down. If you are wanting a link to it, then click on the title of the post. SPY Girl, if you are reading this, would you mind changing the link on your blog, to the post, instead of the imeem page?

Now that we are finished with that bit of shameless plugging, on with some more shameless plugging!

As you may already know I have a poetry slam tonight. I have three poems planned. Though I may not get past one depending on how ignorant the judges are feeling. The slam is done in three rounds. Let us assume that we have the maximum of ten poets in the slam. Everyone reads a poem in the first round. Then the five poets with the highest scores go on to the second round. Then the final round is one on one. I have only ever made it to the second round, but perhaps tonight will be different.

My first poem will be the poem that some of you may have heard, the one about the little girl dancing to the hymns. I am a little bit worried about this one. I know it's a good poem, but hopefully the judges will not have heard me before, so my reputation as a funny poet doesn't get in the way.

If you are reading this and you haven't gotten an email from me about tonight's slam, and you live in Tucson, AZ and want to come, post your email, and I'll try to send you the info. However, I don't think that's very likely.

Wish me luck with my poetry, I hope to see many of you at the slam cheering me on.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Seventy seven cents. I need to find a way to get seventy seven cents by the end of the month. The reason? Well, I have my checking account set up to transfer $25 at the end of each month to my savings. And because I wasn't paying attention, I just made my checking account go under that amount. Now theoretically I could just transfer the money from my savings, but that would be cheating, and I don't want to touch my savings if I can help it. I could always just scrounge around in my room, and probably find the money, but then I have to go the bank, and all that annoyance.

I hate money.

(If you're looking for my HP erotica poem, scroll down a bit)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


A symphony of clacking keys and clicking mouses surrounds me. The air is abuzz with the collective mental energy of hundreds of students working on everything from poetry to quantum mechanics. There is food next to many of the stations and haunted looks on many of the patrons indicating they woke up just to come here and work on that huge project. The smell of coffee, ink, and college students who have yet to shower hangs in the air. Their perseverance impresses me. Their determination inspires me.

And here I am, posting to my blog.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As requested, here is the Harry Potter Erotic Fan Fiction poem. Just a quick disclaimer, and then the poem.
This poem contains explicit content and language of a sexual nature. You may be disturbed by it, you may even be horrified. There is also a high probability of hilarity and extreme entertainment. You have been warned.