Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I found out yesterday that I was voted most intellectual male for the yearbook. After they took our picture, I began to think about how I came to have this honor bestowed upon me. Somehow, despite my mediocre grades and persistent laziness, I have still managed to maintain the smart guy reputation I had when I was acing my classes in my sleep. I realized that this was a result of two things.

The first is that highschool students understand the lazy genius phenomenom much better than younger students. In middle school when people found out that my grades were dropping, the usual response was "But I thought you were smart." Now in highschool, I get that much less now, and when someone does say that they will readily accept the answer of "Yes, but I'm also lazy"

The second reason is that even though homework is a rarity for me, in class I still have the attitude of a smark kid, I know the answers to questions, and I often ace tests (something that annoysand confuses teachers when I ace the test without doing any of the homework) There may be other more intellectual males, but I don't know him, and I am not turning down another picture in the yearbook. Besides, if ten years from now I'm living on the street because I dropped out of college becuase I didn't do my homework, I'll at least have something to my name.

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