Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ablic Right

No this is not an obscure philosophical ideal. It is not the latest fantasy novel, and it not a foreign word. Perhaps it will make more sense in context:

Ablic right ame intion dowment the liber and eved int who had advocate begar owning convent off the.

Makes perfect sense now, doesn't it? No? Well, what if you heard it spoken aloud by a talented actor? i.e. myself.

Ablic Right -

I'm sure you can tell me what this means now can't you? Are you sure? Well I suppose I will have to tell you. In my stumblings about the internet I discovered This site is intended to help you practice your typing. But I find it is worth so much more than that. Perhaps it is simply because I am such a Shakespeare nerd, but saying the words that the program produces, is endlessly entertaining.

A beautiful combination of Jabberwocky and Shakespeare I could almost see this site being used as practice for actors. Try saying the words with emphasis and meaning, when true meaning doesn't even exist. I would ramble on about the alternative uses for this site, but I can't think of any more and the advocate begar is calling.

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